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"Lisa Mackie's work is often autobiographical..... The installation titled The Meadow includes a video projected on top of a large mounted print, a unique artist's book, and motorized winged sculptures…Mackie served as a model for the initial photograph.…. Each component has it's own story to tell, but together they form an epic narrative that is an amalgam of truth and fantasy." Julie Mellby - curator, Modern Stories, group exhibition, 2005, Zimmerli Art Museum. Rutaers University, NJ


2003 - Armature of Sounds - installation, Hunterdon Museum, Clinton, NJ, video – The Meadow - text read by Lisa Mackie, music, Johann Sebastian Bach, Violin Cantata

"This exhibition combines traditional features, paintings arranged and hung on the wall with an installation that includes handmade boulders, delicately balanced stones, moving sculptures, two tables that support three artists books and a video. The books My Africa and The Meadow are combined and intertwined…. They are the heart and center of the exhibition……From these three encyclopedic constructions, the thoughts and reflections spill forth… The result is a stream-of-consciousness ride through the creative process." Donna Gustafson, curator, 2003, Hunterdon Museum of Art, Clinton, NJ

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